Keynote: Is the GPDR a showstopper for Learning Analytics?

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Learning analytics is the collection and analysis of data from learning environments in order to improve students’ learning process. This information is then made available to various stakeholders, such as the students themselves, lecturers or degree programme managers. This enables you to better understand and improve the learning process. However, the collection and analysis of data involves the processing of personal data: data that directly or indirectly tells us something about the students involved. When an institution processes personal data, it is subject to GPDR.

As we all know, the use of learning analytics in education is legally complex. It is not simply a case of asking permission once and including a privacy statement on the website. The GPDR sets stringent requirements for the use of learning analytics and information provision: it must be customised to suit the students in view of the tools that you wish to implement within your education institution.

During our keynote presentation on the learning analytics workshop, we will present several examples of learning analytics used in education in the Netherlands and how these examples made sure that they comply with the GPDR. Furthermore, we will also discuss if the GPDR is, to your opinion, a showstopper for Learning Analytics and how to deal with these. The workshop will be interactive, where there is enough time to discuss and you can ask your questions.

Jocelyn Manderveld

Jocelyn Manderveld (1973) holds a master degree in educational psychology (1997). Since 2007 Jocelyn holds our own company Passion4learning where she works as a project manager and researcher for different (inter)national projects and organisations

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Jocelyn has a lot of expertise in the area of learning technology. Especially in the field of learning analytics. Since 2014 she is one of the leading learning analytics experts in the Netherlands, involved in several learning analytics projects at several Dutch institutions of higher education. She was also responsible at SURF for the learning analytics project, dealing with the GPDR and to make sure that Dutch institutions can use learning analytics in their education using the right legal conditions. Jocelyn also worked at the Open University of the Netherlands (1998-2005) as an educationl technologist, where she managed, designed, developed, and implemented several innovation projects. More information