We are inviting you to submit papers for the DELFI 2022 Learning Analytics Workshop. Submissions corresponding to the workshop topic are encouraged: Intertwining adaptive learning and learning analytics. In addition, papers might also relate to other relevant topics such as the use of learning analytics in teaching and learning, to ethical, legal, technical or social aspects of learning analytics, and to learning analytics for MOOCs or PLEs. Contributions on scientific findings on methods or applications of learning analytics are welcome as well as more practically focused papers on tools, data analysis, or application scenarios.
Papers accepted for the workshop (long and short papers, posters) will be published in a joint DELFI workshop volume.
Important dates
- Full papers and short papers:
June 6,2022UPDATE: June 13, 2022 - Acceptance notifications for full and short papers: July 11, 2022
- Camera-ready versions due:
August 1, 2022UPDATE: August 10, 2022 - Workshop September 12, 2022
Format and submission
The submissions allow to present work in progress and preliminary results to the community. Full papers (8-10 pages) and work in progress or posters (2-4 pages) using the LNI Word template are accepted for submission. Papers can be submitted in English or German. Submissions will be peer-reviewed and upon acceptance published in the workshop proceedings.
Please use the LNI format. Author guidelines and templates can be found here. Due to the publication guidelines, each paper must include an abstract in English.
Please send your blinded submissions via e-mail to niels.seidel@fernuni-hagen.de
If you have any further questions, please get in touch with the workshop organizers: Niels Seidel and Clara Schumacher.