Call for Papers and Participation 2023

We invite you to submit papers for the DELFI 2023 Learning Analytics Workshop. Submissions corresponding to the workshop topic are encouraged: Ten Years of Learning Analytics in the German-speaking Space: Success, Failure and Lessons Learned. We welcome contributions that describe successful implementations and exciting current research topics. At the same time, we actively encourage submissions bringing to light less successful implementations that did not entirely achieve initial goals and expectations, but provided substantial knowledge around the design, implementation, deployment, scaling, stakeholder engagement, research methods, (intended) impact or adoption of learning analytics tools. The topics of interest are, but not limited to, the following:

  • Visual Learning Analytics and eXplainable Learning Analytics
  • Recommender and feedback systems
  • Multimodal learning analytics
  • Use of AI and learning analytics
  • Challenges from practice 
  • Case studies, projects and university-wide implementations
  • Scaling up (with) learning analytics
  • Ethical issues around the use of learning analytics
  • Privacy and data protection

Call for Participation – “Let’s fail better (together)!”

To reach a wider audience and accommodate for anonymous and much shorter contributions, we would be happy to read your experiences, stories, setbacks (at any stage), thoughts and reflections in the context of LA on a collaborative board accessible under

This contribution can be done independently of a participation in the workshop. 

Throughout the workshop, we will use both paper submissions and the anonymous contributions on the Padlet as a starting point for discussion. The goal is to learn from each other’s experiences and mistakes, and reflect on past and future challenges.

Important dates

  • Papers (6-8 pages, incl. references): June 6, 2023 June 13, 2023
  • Acceptance notifications: July 19, 2023
  • Camera-ready versions due: August 4, 2023

Format, submission, publication

The submissions allow to present mature work, but also work-in-progress and preliminary results to the community. Submitted papers should be 6-8 pages in length (including references). Papers can be submitted in English or German. Submissions will be peer-reviewed and upon acceptance published in the workshop proceedings.

Please use the LNI format when preparing your submission. Author guidelines and templates can be found here

Papers accepted for the workshop will be published in a joint DELFI workshop volume. Due to the publication guidelines, each paper must include an abstract in English.

Please submit your blinded submissions via EasyChair at

Open science statement

In the spirit of the scientific exchange, accompanying material (data, algorithms, etc.) of studies should also be made accessible to the reviewers/participants – if possible and legally unproblematic. We try to give the suggestions to open the science from Kiesler and Schiffner (presented at DELFI 2022) a place here.